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Gone for a week

Have a great holiday everyone!

4 Responses to “Gone for a week”

  1. Suzanne says:

    🙂 saw your comment on HouseMouse’s blog… so came by to say hello!

  2. kampsplete says:

    Hey thanks for stopping by my blog. Thank you also for the nice comment. My sister says this is a cyber hug. {{{ }}}. So there’s one back to you! Your blog is cool, and I look forward to reading it. I’m loving getting all these homeschool ideas. I feel totally inadequate to do this, but God will give us what we need to accomplish the task. Have a great vacation, and thanks for stopping by.

    Love, Kathy

  3. FaithfulGrace says:

    can’t wait to read your blog about your vacation.

    Praying you have a safe and special time.

    I have some catching up to do on your blog.

    Wishing you a great day,


  4. joyfulhomeschool says:

    same to you! Hope you have a great week!