Even though we went on a field trip this day, later that evening, my nieces came over (ages 9 and 11). They were excited to step forward and serve as 'teachers' for 'A' and 'R', so we decided to do a lesson.
“Baby in the basket”
Bible Story
My niece, 'P',(1G11) read Exodus 3:1-7
I read from the Children's Bible, about Moses speaking to God through the burning bush.
Devotional Activity
I read from'My ABC Bible Verses':
John 3:16 “For God so loves the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
There was short story with it and we repeated this verse three times. We also reviewed the other verses from before.
Letter Activity
My nieces, 'P(1G11)and K(2G9)' served as supervisors over the boys working on their 'Hide and Seek 'F'' sheet.
Math Activity
The boys glued pictures of shoes on the 'Number 7' page.
Played and sang, “Pharoah Told Them No”
No homeschool for the rest of the week. I head for the MOPS convention in Nashville, and DH and the boys to Sandpoint, ID.