Worked on the 'Apple' lapbook
“Two helping Hands”
Bible Story
Numbers 13:27-31
Children's Bible: The people were afraid of the inhabitants of the Promised land.
Art Activity
The boys drew branches on the paper. I gave them pre-glued o's to place on the branches. These represent the large grapes the men found in the Promised Land.
Letter Activity
I drew the letter 'H' on our driveway. The boys tiptoed on it, saying 'H'. 'A' also practiced drawing his own.
Bible Activity
I drilled the 1-5 Commandments with 'A' and 'R':
1. There is no God but our one God
2. Do not make any idols
3. Do not misuse the name of the Lord
4. Keep the Sabbath holy
5. Honor your mother and father