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Develop Vision for Your FamilyBegin with a Healthy Foundation
Lack of vision when proceeding with a homeschool lifestyle is probably one of the strongest contributing factors toward failure among the homeschool ranks. Too many approaches, standards, and values are thought of as givens in our secular, as well as church culture, causing the new homeschooler to proceed in harmony with those values like there is no tomorrow.
The message of this book carries with it a challenge for parents to thoughtfully consider their reasons for homeschooling, to define their dreams and goals for their family and to proceed in harmony with them.
This book is for those who are serious about allowing God full access to their life for the purpose of accomplishing a restorative and/or a foundational work in their family. It will challenge you to look at the quality of your own education, family relationships, and current purpose. It is a detailed guide that will lead you to develop biblical family, homeschool, and lifestyle values and unfolding family vision.
Using personal examples from her own process, Marilyn helps you to determine if you are following the Holy Spirit or an approach in your homeschool decisions. Then she specifically defines six related terms (destiny, vision, calling, purpose, goals, and planning) and takes you on a journey with her as she shows you how she acquired vision for her own family.
With sets of questions to guide you, she helps you to look at the fruit of your own life and determine what your hopes and dreams are for your family so you can begin to document a tangible plan for your homeschool that is in agreement with the hopes you hold in your heart. She then leads you to construct your own Family and Homeschool Mission Statement using her own as a model. She then takes it all a step further and shows how she set realistic goals that remained in harmony with her vision and describes the fruit that resulted from meeting those goals.
Points of impact for me:
Any single approach only comprises a small portion of the elements that need to be present in a healthy learning process over the long term.
Sometimes boredom is a result of too much of the wrong kinds of activities being forced upon a person; he is constrained to man's plan for his life.
Parenthood and family are not ends in themselves, but a life foundation from which should extend God's continuing purpose in the form of ministry towards others.
Believe that Jesus care more about the education of your children than you do.
Slow down and ponder what you really want for your family.
Once our long term purpose and goals are set in place, we will be able to determine out academic approach, child training methods, and even our lifestyle values: destiny, vision, calling, purpose.
Create a Family Mission statement
The development of spiritual gifts is only possible when we make a habit of being before the Lord.
Nothing can substitute for quality relationship and quantity time with your own children.