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Description from homeschooloasis.com

These books reflects the real-life, delight-directed interests of Marilyn’s children. It is not the actual notebooks that they created but is a report of the notebook projects. It consists of a detailed outline of contents and a thorough presentation of what the actual notebooks consists of, including: how it was laid out, length of season to complete it, the extent of mom’s involvement, and so forth…



My points of impact:

  • Collecting, recording, projects and study.

  • Student assumes the responsibility for their education

  • Projects offer a tangible direction and focus on the student's delight directed learning pursuits

  • Projects can take years to complete

  • Initially establish 'minimum requirements' for time

  • Do not try this with younger children, or you will be doing it on your own. (Best for adolescents)

  • Create a season for writing.  Chronicle the projects.

  • OK to initiate and partially guide, if necessary.

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