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Lesson 11/08/06


“God Sends Samuel”


Bible Story

1Samuel 3:11-13, 4:17-18

Children's Bible: Israel turned away from God and list God's ark.


Dramatic Play

We played, “Capture the ark”.  I placed a block under a cup and switched three cups around.  The boys were the “Philistines” and had to guess which cup had the “ark”.  They loved this game, and continued to play this on their own.


Letter Activity

'A' practiced writing the letter 'J'.  I thought I caught a picture of it, but I guess not.  He can write it well, except that it is backwards.  He makes the straight line, then stops and it seems like he wants and knows what direction to make the 'hook', but his hand does the opposite.  The second he completes it, he knows it's backwards.  It will be neat to see how he remedies this.


Bible Activity

We talked about how the Israelites lost the ark to the Philistines.  When I asked the boys what had happened in the story we read earlier, 'A' said, “The Einsteins were being bad.”


I asked them about sad things that have happened to them.

'A': “When 'R' pushes me.”

'R': “When 'A' pushes me.”

(We then talked how nice it would be if nobody pushed anyone, and how we would not be sad because we treat each other with kindness.)


'A': “When I bump into something and hurt myself.”

'A': “When you get sick.”


'R': “Chelan bites me…”  (Our cat)

'A': “…and scratches.”


I talked to them about God always being with us even we are sad, and that praying to Him will help keep us close to God.



Reviewing the vocabulary we have used to date.




One Response to “Lesson 11/08/06”

  1. OurHomeSweetHomeschool says:

    What a pretty blog you have. Your boys are adorable and your lessons sound so fun.

    Have a blessed week!

