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Lesson 11/14/06

Fingerplay: “David will be King”


Bible Story

1 Samuel 17:45-49

Chilrden's Bible: David killed Goliath


Math Activity

I picked a small crock and placed it on the floor.  It was the boy's job to fing an item larger than the crock, then an item larger than the previous item.  Here is what we ended up with:



Letter Activity

I placed a masking tape 'K' on the floor and the boys ran cars over it, saying 'K'.



Bible Activity

I gave each boy a piece of paper and they had to follow one direction at at time.  First, they had to draw a shepherd's staff on the left side of the page.  Then, they drew five stones on the right side.  Then, an arrow below the stones.  This picture represents Goliath dropping from stones that the shepherd David threw.



Played and sang to “David”


Bonus Picture

I captured this (sorry, it's a little dark) and I am so excited to say that this is something that I am seeing more in this household.  The boys (especially 'R') will find the general family books (not the children's books) and will spend time looking through them.  When I realize it's a little too quiet and I go to investigate, this is what I find! ('R' is “reading” a beautiful Bible that my Grandma 'G' gave us before passing away, and 'A' is “reading” a book about the planet Earth that Grandpa 'A' gave us.)

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