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Lesson 11/24/06


“David Learns to Lead”


Bible story

2 Samuel 12:7-10

Children's Bible: David sinned


Active Exploration

When I said something good, like, “sharing, thanking God, or hugging”, the boys jumped up and down and said, “Yeah, that's good!”

When I said something bad, like “hitting your brother, sneaking candy, or taking a toy form someone else”, the boys had to kneel face down and say, “no, that's bad”.


Letter activity

Hide and Seek 'L'


Bible Activity

I did not get a picture of this, but the boys drew based on my directions, given one at a time:

-Draw an oval on the left side of the paper (represents a crown)

-Write the word “No” on the right side of the page.

-Draw a sad face (King David's face)

-Draw an arrow from the word to the face.

(This represents how Nathan told King David that he had done something wrong.)



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