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Lesson 4/10/07

I had a mother’s helper with me today so I could work on some MOPS items.  She did the fingerplay, read the Bible stories and the math activity.

"If you believe in Jesus"

Bible Story
John 3:16-18
Children’s Bible: Jesus and Nicodemus

Math Activity
I made 10 hearts.  On each heart was a cross.  I drew a cloud on one index card (heaven) and fire on another card (hell).  We shuffled the hearts and tossed them in the air.  The hearts that landed with the cross up was placed by the heaven card, and the ones without the cross was placed by the hell card.

The boys counted and I recorded the results onto a table.   We did this about five times.

Letter Activity
I drew the letter ‘V’ and the boys watercolored it in.

Bible Activity
I asked:  "How do we get to heaven?"
‘A’ responded: "By doing good stuff, then dying, then we get buried,  then go to heaven."
‘R’ chimed in: "No, we go in a tomb".
I told them that although God appreciates it when we are good and do good things, that is not how we get to heaven.  We get to heaven by believing in Jesus and accepting him as our Lord.

I asked: "What does Jesus want us to do?
‘A’ responded: "Do good stuff and not bad stuff"
‘R’ said: "By loving him and playing with him"

I asked: "What does Jesus do for us?"
‘A’ said: "He died for us and our sins, he loves eating dinner with us sometimes"
‘R’ said: "He draws pictures with us"

One Response to “Lesson 4/10/07”

  1. mamabear2003 says:

    I love your boys answers about Jesus! It's so great to see their faith developing!