Poor ‘R’ is still sick. He spiked fever again and is just feeling lousy. Here is my poor little guy. Don’t you just want to snuggle? (I am typing one handed to do just that.)
We had a short lesson today. ‘A’ participated while ‘R’ listened from the couch. ‘A’ was the ‘teacher’ today and gave me the directions (with alot of help :))
"Jesus Wipes Your Sins Clean"
Bible story
Matthew 22:34-39
Children’s Bible: The greatest command
‘A’ and I walked through the house and looked at items that were open and closed. He would say ‘abierto’ for open and ‘cerrado’ for closed.
Letter Activity
‘A’ practiced writing the letter ‘w’:
Bible activity
We talked about loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and also loving our neighbor as ourselves.
‘A’ read Bob Book Volume 1/Book 6
New word: ‘Hid’. The sentences were longer and they introduced the question mark.
Sorry to hear that R is sick! I love your Spanish game. I'm going to try it!
Poor thing! He looks like I feel. I've been battling a fever on and off as well. He's so much cuter sick then I am. 🙂 Get better soon, buddy.
Sorry to hear that your little one is still sick. I hope that he's going to feel better soon.