Well, we are home sick, yet again! ‘R’ woke at 2:30 this morning vomiting and diarrhea. So far, he only had the one bout, and ‘A’ is acting O.K., so prayers that it was just the one time!
Language Arts
The boys did three workbook pages in Developing the Early Learner.
Motor: The first page had them draw from the rabbit to the carrot without touching lines or lifting their marker. Both did an excellent job, and faster than I anticipated for ‘R’.
Visual:The boys had to identify and mark pictures tht were identical. Both were correct.
Auditory: The boys closed their eyes and listened to sounds I made. They had to circle a face that represented whether the sounds were identical or different. ‘A’ got all correct. ‘R’ missed the first one only.
We read from the Children’s Everyday Bible: God creates the earth and the animals
We practiced our memory verse: Proverbs 4:20 "Pay attention, my child, to what I say. Listen carefully".
We talked about what it means to pay attention/attentiveness
Read Aloud
Jack and Jill Nursery Rhyme
Social Studies
We read from ‘Things People Do’ and learned about the Island of Banilla (fictional island)
We did Lesson one in ‘Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Days’.
‘A’ read the Bob Book Volume 1, Book 12, ‘The Vet’. This is the last book in this volume.
We read from 365 Manner Kids Should Know. Today, we learned about what not to bring to the table when it’s time to eat: handheld video games, remote control (no TV), magazines, books, newspaper, homework, the cat…
We read from "Right Choices: Helping Kid’s Live God’s Way". We talked about things and people we are thankful for, said a prayer of thankgiving, and read Psalm 105:1: "Thank the Lord for all the glorious things he does."
Lesson one in Singapore Earlybird 1a. 1) The boys looked at a page and told me which fish are identical. 2) They drew lines from one object to the identical object. 2) They circled items that were not the same as the other three in a row. 3)They colored two identical ofjects from a row of four.
Both boys have a solid grasp of same/different/identical and were able to complete these without difficulty.
Freeform color on paper, cut and staple to make a "book". ‘A’ says his is a menu and book together.
The boys helped me make meatloaf. I measured the ingredients and they took turns placing the items in the bowl. We all tore bread into small pieces.
We miss you all! Let us know when you are better! The weather is beautiful today! Hopefully you will be able to enjoy it soon 🙂