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This was on the Washington State blog.  I thought it was pretty funny.  They do not know who this is from:

This may be old–don’t know.  But it made my day!


"’I’d like to homeschool but I’m worried that my children won’t be isolated enough. You see, in the school they now attend, they are safely isolated from people who aren’t their age, with the exception of their teachers. But I’m afraid if they aren’t safe at school all day, they’ll be meeting all sorts of people in the community. What can I do?

It’s true that, if you homeschool your children, they will probably meet all sorts of adults in the community, everyone from the mailman and various repair men to the people you will meet on field trips. It is also true that they will tend to meet more people who are not their age than people who are.

But I have yet to meet one homeschooling family that found this to be a disadvantage. Of course, it depends on how you define disadvantage. Your child may lose touch with the latest juvenile fads and probably won’t keep up on the current lingo. In fact, he may even end up sounding…well, sort of mature. "

3 Responses to “Homeschool and Socialization”

  1. crazybusy says:

    Oh my gosh, Leigh, that's hilarious!!!! It reminded me of the time we had to have the "septic tank guy" come out and pump/empty our tank. I'm sure he thought Alek was quite strange, but at the time, he was obsessed with our septic tank and how it worked, etc. So when the guy got here, Alek was outside watching and asking the guy all sort of questions about septic tanks. The guy really got a kick out of him. I wouldn't be surprised if that was a first for him- to have a child so interested in septic tanks! LOL!

    And then there's our mail lady who knows every detail of our lives since my children talk her ear off every time she drops a package off.

    Kenton & I always joke about "those shy homeschooled kids"- something I doubt my children will EVER be accused of! 🙂

    Very cute! 🙂

    Love, Alyssa

  2. RienzoFamily says:




  3. Diane says:

    Precious! I will have to borrow this from you sometime soon.