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Lesson 6/13/07

We ahd Bible study this morning, but they were short childcare, so I served in ‘R’s class today.  We played at a local park after that.

A macaroni and cheese lunch with an apple, and on to class…

‘Children’s Everyday Bible’- We read about Moses killing an Egyptian and fleeing to Midian, then meeting Jethro and marrying his daughter Zipporah.

Memory Verse
This was review day…I had ‘A’ recite:

Proverbs 4:20-"Pay attention my child to what I say, listen carefully."
Hebrews 11:1-"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see"
2Corinthians 9:7-"God loves a cheerful giver." (He needed a little prompting…)
Colossians 3:15-"Let the peace of God rule in your hearts…and be thankful."

Read Aloud
"The New Baby"

Language Arts
Auditory-I had the boys close their eyes.  I made two sounds and they had to tell be whether the sounds were identical or different.

Comprehension/Association-The boys had to decide which items belonged in a kitchen-toaster, knife,cups, plates, clothes, car

‘BB Book of Nature…’ We read about summer:
Months-July, August, September
No school
It’s hot in the summer
The sun is still out when you go to bed
Flowers grow fast

‘365 Manners…’ We read about how to be discreet removing seeds, pits, or bones from your mouth.

‘Right Choices’-We read about marriage and how God wants husbands and wives to love each other.

Singapore Earlybird 1A- Lesson 14 and 15.  The boys colored patterns and worked on number recognition.

‘A’ read from the Primer , a couple pages from ‘The Little Red Hen’.  ‘R’ parroted what ‘A’ said.


One Response to “Lesson 6/13/07”

  1. westward says:

    What's the 365 Manners book? We sure could use some manner training around here!! 🙂