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Lesson 7/11/07

We read that the Israelites checked out Canaan, and knew it was full of all the things God promised, but all of them except Joshua and Caleb said they could not overcome the people living there.  God had them wander the desert for 40 years, then led them back into Canaan .

Memory Verse
Colossians 3:13 "Forgive as the Lord forgave you."

Read Aloud
Mother Goose-"Little Bo-Peep"
The Steel Man

Language Arts
DEL-Comprehension/Sequence-The boys looke dat a set of pictures and had to decide which came first (ex. a cow vs. a steak dinner).  Both boys got all correct.

Social Studies
Things People Do-We read again about The Farmer

Right Choices-We read about how important discipline is

Life Skills
365 Manners-We read about the proper way to eat pizza.  There are three ways: 1) with a knife and a fork
2)using both hands and eating the point first and 3) folding the pizza in half lengthwise and eating it point first.  You do not eat your first piece quickly to get to the second piece.  If more than one persone wants the last piece, you divide it equally.

Did not do math or reading today.  It was over 100 degrees today.  We went to the movies and grocery store instead.

One Response to “Lesson 7/11/07”

  1. crazybusy says:

    Over 100?! Yuck! It was HOT here yesterday too! About 91. But we don't have a/c so it was EIGHTY NINE in my HOUSE! Blech!

    It's back to typical PNW weather today though.

    Love, ALyssa