We reviewed all the memory verses to date.
Memory Verse
Proverbs 10:4 "Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth"
We talked about diligence; working hard to finish a task
Read Aloud
‘Mother Goose Rhymes’- ‘Old Woman’ and more
‘Arion and the Dolphin’
Eric Carles’ Animals Animals: "A Cat May Look…"
Language Arts
DEL Book 2, Page One-The boys had to draw a path within another path for fine motor skills. ‘A’ did not hit the wall at any time. ‘R’ hit it twice. Both did very well!
Dr. Seuss ABC- "A"
‘Berenstain Bears’…We read about how birds are different (looks, nesting, calls, etc.)
Social Studies
‘Things People Do’-We read about The Airline Pilot
Life Skills
‘365 Manners…’ Taking a friend to the movies. Make sure that the movie is something your friend is allowed to watch. Be clear if you will pay, or if you each pay for your own ticket, let your friend pick where they want to sit.
Singapore Earlybird 1B, Lesson 13-Time Sequence: what happened first, next, last?
‘A’ read 3 pages from Bob Book Volume 2, Book 4. ‘The Swimmers’
You have been busy- Seattle looks like it was fun. I was thinking of you today as I am trying to find a really simple program that myself, my 11 year old and even my 8 year old could take turns doing with my 2 and 4 year old- mainly the 4 year old. I THINK that you might use Little Hands to Heaven. Am I wrong? I need something with clear directions that my kids could follow to teach the little ones while I am working with the other older one. BTW, I changed my blog and address, so here is the new one: