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Today, our co-op went on a nature hike in Twin Falls State Park.  Our intent was to find two letterboxes that were planted along the trail.  We were unsuccessful in finding either, but had a terrific time, nonetheless.  It was a perfect Autumn day, coupled with hot cider and popcorn trail mix. 

Part of our group attended.  Missing were Liz and her kids (‘A’ had surgery), Kathy and her kids (visiting relatives), and Megan and her kids (on modified bed rest)

Me and my boys

Enjoying the river…

Since we could not find the letterboxes and their stamps, I brought a couple to stamps to stamp in the kids’ journals to record this trip.

‘A’ with C1 and C2 on top of the rock with the face…

Looking for the first letterbox…

4 Responses to “Roots and Wings Homeschool Co-op 10/8/07”

  1. Kinley says:

    Oh how I wish I was there to have joined you!!


  2. Tiany says:

    You blog looks absolutely beautiful!!!

    what a fun field trip you all had, you sure do live in a spectacular part of the country!!! Such beauty!

  3. crazybusy says:

    Hmmm… some of these look familiar! LOL! (I was just over at Linny's blog) You guys really got some beautiful pictures! The one of you & your boys is awesome! Those cutie patooties! 🙂

    What kind of camera did you end up getting?

    Love, ALyssa

  4. Haflingerhorses says:

    Did you have a blog make-over? I don't remember it looking like this. It's beautiful! I love the picture you used on top. I want to try something different, too. Maybe one of these days I'll surprise you…

    These are some great pictures of a wonderful day. I love days like this – the creek is one of my favorite memories. Spending time with your friends had to have been a highlight of this autumn.

    My favorite picture was of you and your boys.
