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A Zoo Adventure

I thought it would be fun to take the boys to the zoo.  We had not been in a long time, and decided to go.  I chose Monday, and invited "Dada" (Esperanza) and Ant-ee Sara to join us.

Oops. Wrong Monday.  President’s Day!  All of Seattle decided to visit the zoo! (That’s not entirely true.  The other half went to the Aquarium, according to my friend.)  But, after a 10 minute wait to get in, it really wasn’t too bad.  I am just spoiled at usually having the zoo to ourselves.  I ran into three friends and their families, (Jen D., Larena, and Colleen).  It was a treat seeing them there.

The weather was perfect!  Not too hot.  It felt so good to be in the sunshine.

I LOVE this one!

Enjoying the sun…

A highlight of the trip.  Placing coins in this.  The boys called the coins "sufers" and watched them surf to the hole.

Find the human.  Hard, I know…

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