I keep all my (current) homeschool items in a tiny closet in the hallyway. It has kind of become a bit of a "catch all" Here are the items I am throwing away, donating, returning, or giving:
– donating my FIL’s phone
-giving a gift I was supposed to give my friend for Christmas
-recycling a bunch of misc. used craft paper
-throwing away over a year’s worth of "dust bunnies" that accumulated under the file drawer
-In cleaning the book shelf, I moved the homeschool books to the boy’s bookshelf and am donating some of the boy’s older books to make room for these.
-I am going to donate or consign a few Abeka preK items I have, but do not use. RNW ladies are welcome to them!
Hi Leigh,
I'd be interested in some of your PreK books. I'm not familiar with them, but would love to check them out.
Had fun today with you up at the lake!!!