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Homeschool Highlights

We are reading about the life of Isaac.

Memory Verse
Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved–you and your household." Acts 16:31

I have come to the point now when I see a verse, I will look it up in the NIV Life Application Bible.  The additional information provided enrichens my understanding of the scriptures.  I spent many years trying to understand a piece of scripture, but not getting it because I did not go farther and look into the context and supporting scripture around the verse.

This weeks verse comes from when Paul and Silas were in jail.  They were singing hymns and praying to God.  There was an earthquake and the prison doors flew open.  The jailer woke up and was about to kill himself because he thought his prisoners had escaped, but Paul yelled that everyone was there.

The jailer witnessed what had happened and realized that what Paul and Sila were saying was true and asked how he could be saved.

Paul and Silas’ response is stated in Acts 16:31.  A very simple expression.

When we recognize Jesus as Lord and trust in him our entire life, we are assured we are saved.

Acts 16:34 shows how the jailer was filled with joy in believing in God.  We all can have that kind of joy.

Children’s Encyclopedia: Overview of early man through the renaissance.

Read Aloud
-Continue reading ‘The Boxcar Children’
-Poems from ‘The Llama who had no Pajama’

Language Arts
The boys read from "I Can Read It".  They have read the "stories": "Nat is Bad" and "Can Pat Tap Nat?"

-I gave the boys letters to make three letter words.  I gave them a word and they had to make the wird with the leters written on index cards.

We learned about the sun and the moon.  How the earth spins on ots axis and the sun stays in place.  It takes 24 hourse for the earth to make one rotation.  When we face the sun, it’s day, when we are away from the sun, it’s night.  the moon rotates around the earth.  It takes one month to rotate.  The moon has not light of its own.  It reflects light form the sun.

Extra Fun Stuff
We vistited grandma Margaret and grandpa Randy in Sandpoint.  I hope to get pictures up soon.

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