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Fun Night with Jessie

DH and I celebrated our 18th anniversary of the day we met by going to "The Phantom of the Opera."  We had a fabulous night, but I have a feeling our night rivaled the boys.  Here are some pictures that our sitter, Jessie, captured that night.

Jessie made paper masks for the boys to wear with their capes that Antee Sara had made a few years ago.  She made a mask for herself and played the "bad guy".  Seriously, for the boys, a perfect night includes: vanquishing bad guys, playing Hot Wheels and/or Lego, and eating ice cream.  I think Jess covered all the bases!

I also told her that the boys like it when you draw a picture for them to copy.  So, she left a bunch of small drawings on the dry erase board for the kids to copy. (She is a much better artist than me!)

5 Responses to “Fun Night with Jessie”

  1. Haflingerhorses says:

    Wow! I hope you paid her well! At least, a big tip!

    Baby sitters like that are hard to come by – most seem that their just there to do as little as possible. What an energetic gal to go "the distance" to entertain the kids. She must be in high demand in your neighborhood.


  2. Diane says:

    hahaha Elephant poop!

  3. sixfolks says:

    Bet your boys are ready for you two to go on another date 🙂


  4. Karen says:

    Congrats on your anniversary! Can I borrow your babysitter.

    p.s. thanks for your message son my blog. we should catch up via phone sometime soon.

  5. basketflat says:

    They are too cute, and they are all boy!