Oh, dear river….how we love you!! Spending our days tubing, swimming, skipping rocks, jumping from rock walls, lounging, napping, dreaming, sharing, bliss…
Bev and ‘R’ coming down a little rapid. ‘R’ wasn’t to sure about that…
Spending time in Worship…
Each campsite had electricity, and Bev draped Christmas lights on all of our tents. It created a lovely, festive atmosphere…
Let the regatta begin! One of the Bradley traditions is to make watercraft out of containers, take them up river, then set them free. We held a few races, with a few people at the finish line to record the winners! It was a bunch of fun. Here is the boy’s creation. They christened it, ‘Aardshnark’, the fictional color that David made up and says whenever asked what his favorite color is…