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Maui 2011 – Part 2

If you were to ask what is are the three things you want to do on this vacation, the boys would say:

1. “Dress in our costumes and act out our characters on the beach…”

2. Drink out of a real coconut…

3. Go to a luau.

As we were driving to our bodysurf beach, we saw a roadside stand that sold coconuts!  The coconut lady hacked open a coconut, (it’s a lot of work!!), and we all enjoyed the refreshing coconut water and meat…

Overlooking Honolua Bay, an amazing spot for snorkeling.  You hike about a quarter mile through gorgeous rainforest jungle  to get to the rocky beach.  Or, you can pay for a boat to take you there…we hiked in, and wouldn’t have it any other way!!

We decided to drive around the west side of Maui, something we do every year.  the road narrows to a one lane, winding road.  This year, there were many more cars than in the past.  It was pretty stressful at times.  I think this drive is out of our system for a while.  I will miss, however, our yearly visit to Lorraine’s Shaved Ice, in the tiny village Kahakuloa. Lorraine runs a small business out of her garage, selling homemade banana bread and banana cream pie,  made from bananas in her yard.  She also sells shaved ice, and handmade quilts.  I found a little video that a customer made of her…

Lorraine always greets us warmly, and guides the boys to the backyard, so they can play with her “weeds”, some kind of ground plant whose leaves close up when you touch them.  She also always asks if they remember her “alligator rock”, a rock formation on the side of a cliff that resembles an alligator head…
Lorraine’s banana tree…

Lorraine, showing ‘R’ her “weeds”…

Overlooking Kahakuloa…

The flower collector…

Wrapping around to the north part of the island, we headed for lunch at the Saigon Cafe, another spot we always try to go to every year…
‘A’ asked for a fork…

I think I will end for now, and start another post…









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