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Tackling Toys

During our Cinderella Saturdays, my husband or I will tackle the toys.  We use this system and it has worked well, although I must admit we have to have the kids occupied elsewhere, otherwise everything would go in bin ‘A’!  (Can I get an ‘amen?)

  • We divide the toys into three groups. A, B, C
  • A-Toys the boys play with often and/or have educational value.  The ‘A’ toys are assigned a designated bin in the zones assigned to the playroom (Lego Zone, Media Zone, Creative Arts Zone, Reading Zone, Misc. Zone)
  • B-Toys we rotate to the garage.  These toys will sit in the garage for about 3-4 months.  If neither child wonders where that toy is and does not mention it during that timeframe, it disappears.  I think we have only had this backfire on us once.  I’ll take those odds.
  • C-Toys that will be donated or tossed

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