My sweet friend Sharon passed away late November from cervical cancer. An incredible woman who was an inspiration in all parts of her life. She is loved and terribly missed by many.
She had friends within both the Bayside and Bridgeway homeschool networks. Our two networks decided that we would commit to covering all the food, as wells as set up and breakdown, for the memorial service.
I want to give a special shout out to Costco of Roseville, CA. With the craziness of the holiday season, I was concerned that I would be stuck in the Costco lines to purchase a large bulk of the food. I called them, and they coordinated their team to let me purchase and pick up the food an hour prior to Costco opening!
I was so proud of my boys. They spent the whole day with me, from morning to evening. They helped with all the different elements: set up, handing out programs, hosting a potato chip bar, and break down. It was a long day, full of laughter and tears. They kept up a terrific attitude the whole time.