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The boys and I attended a youth conference at our church.  Titled, ‘Unleashed’.  Yep, that’s about right. Unleashed joy.  Unleashed fun. Unleashed wisdom.  Unleashed Holy moments.

My friend, Eun, has a brother who is good friends with a few members of the band, “Switchfoot”.  They were performing at the event and we were able to get in to see them while they were rehearsing!  Drummer Chad came and visited with us for a few minutes.  It was a special moment for all the boys!
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Buddies for life!

This was a highlight of the event.  The kids place themselves inside the bubbles and hit each other.  All was fun until a larger kid knocked ‘A’ out of the ring and he went head first onto the concrete. There was no padding on the other side of the ring and with gravity, the head became unprotected from the bubble.  We think ‘A’ got knocked out for a second, and ended up with a nasty goose egg on his head.  He felt nauseous for the rest of the night, but was unwilling to leave.  I stayed next to him all night, and he slept in our room so we could keep an eye on him.  He was 100% the next day.  (Yes, I reported this to first aid on staff, and yes, the bubble event was gone the next day.)  If they only had cushions on the outside of the ring, it all would have been good.

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