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Talking with friends, this was a “must see”.  So glad we did.  We spent more time than expected because the boys were so into it.  The exhibits are very interesting and right up a tween boys alley.  We were completely floored to discover the special exhibit, “The Art of the Brick”, a display of art sculptures by Nathan Sawaya, all done in Legos.  This was a huge highlight for the boys.

The realism of the art pieces all in LEGOS is outstanding!!IMG_9228 IMG_9229 IMG_9230 IMG_9231 IMG_9233 IMG_9234 IMG_9235 IMG_9236

This is the artist’s most famous piece.  Titled, “Yellow”.  The boys knew about this piece and squealed when they saw it…
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Yes, this T-Rex is in LEGOS!  80,000+ pieces!

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At a different exhibit, having fun interacting with their shadow/skeleton…IMG_9274

Mr. Franklin’s statue in the entry.  This guy was doing a cool demonstration on various gases…IMG_9272
The noblest question in the world is, “what good may I do in it?” Benjamin Franklin

Getting ready to go into an interactive flight simulator…

One of the Wright brothers original planes…

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A picture of Orville Wright and Amelia Earhart together…

An exhibit on the brain.  This is a huge  area where the kids climb along the brain’s neuro pathways.  There was a school field trip in the room and it was LOUD!
‘A’ feeling what a real brain feels like…
‘R’ standing next ro an actual preserved brain and spinal column…

The boys recording their own weather segment…
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Inside a huge heart…


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