Talking with friends, this was a “must see”. So glad we did. We spent more time than expected because the boys were so into it. The exhibits are very interesting and right up a tween boys alley. We were completely floored to discover the special exhibit, “The Art of the Brick”, a display of art sculptures by Nathan Sawaya, all done in Legos. This was a huge highlight for the boys.
The realism of the art pieces all in LEGOS is outstanding!!
This is the artist’s most famous piece. Titled, “Yellow”. The boys knew about this piece and squealed when they saw it…
Yes, this T-Rex is in LEGOS! 80,000+ pieces!
At a different exhibit, having fun interacting with their shadow/skeleton…
Mr. Franklin’s statue in the entry. This guy was doing a cool demonstration on various gases…
The noblest question in the world is, “what good may I do in it?” Benjamin Franklin
Getting ready to go into an interactive flight simulator…
One of the Wright brothers original planes…
A picture of Orville Wright and Amelia Earhart together…
An exhibit on the brain. This is a huge area where the kids climb along the brain’s neuro pathways. There was a school field trip in the room and it was LOUD!
‘A’ feeling what a real brain feels like…
‘R’ standing next ro an actual preserved brain and spinal column…