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Ryan’s 16th!

We had big plans for this big birthday. An overnight trip to San Francisco. But, an ugly little bugger called COVID decided to make a worldwide trip and form a global pandemic that closed the world.

Trip canceled. Now what? How do we still make his day special. We decided to defer and not completely cancel, so we all have something to look forward to once this is over. We bought Ryan an updated iPhone; one that will get him through his college years. He was thrilled!

Of course, our traditional “eat whatever you want for breakfast”. This year, Ryan’s palette seems to be maturing a bit. He asked for a bowl of ramen, one giri, and a boba drink.

He spent the day on video and phone calls with friends and family. His Antee Sara made a cake at her home in Brooklyn and she and Charlie sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him!

We celebrated with having cupcakes and dinner delivered…

…and Ryan received a wonderful surprise with a drop off delivery of all kinds of treats from his buddies, brother Zach and Isaiah!!

A recap of breakfast through the years….

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