We have a licensed driver! Dad took him out a bunch, preparing him for all the scenarios, and he scored really well. He is very responsible and mature behind the wheel. An excellent defensive driver.
Alex loves movies whereas Ryan prefers TV series. I enjoy watching TV with Ryan, and movies with Alex. this year, Alex and I made a strong effort to watch all the movies that were nominated for the Academy Awards. There were a total of 41 movies and 15 shorts. Due to Covid, none of these were seen in the theater, EXCEPT…on the Friday prior to the awards, a local theater had the 10 or the 15 award shorts (live action and animated) playing. 5 hours of film watching. This was the first time in over a year we were in a theater. They have those comfy lounge chairs and a couple intermissions, so it was easy.
By the time the awards came around, we had watched 25 movies and 10 shorts. It was a great year for quality film. Everything that was nominated was worthy of nomination, in our humble opinion. Too bad they were limited to a small screen, but grateful they exist nonetheless. I popped open a bottle of prosecco and Alex had ginger ale.