We were blessed to enjoy the company of a 5 month old boy, and a 2 year old boy this morning. They joined us in our homeschool activities.
“A” had a great time practicing being a good host, and they took turns knocking and ringing the doorbell, and inviting each other in, and introducing themselves.
“One Dusty Camel”
Bible Story
Read Genesis 27:15-24
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes
Focus: Jacob lied to his father by pretending to be his brother, Esau
Art Activity
I drew each boys names in dots and they had to connect the dots to create their name. Then, they had to try to color over their names to hide their names.
Focus: Jacob tried to hide who he was, but it is better to be yourself. God can always see through the disguise.
Letter Activity
I drew the letter “D” ins sidewalk chalk. The boys tiptoed along the “D”, then yelled “D” when they jumped off of it. They had so much fun doing this!
Bible Activity
We acted out the story of Isaac and Jacob. I was Isaac and the boys took turns being Jacob. They first pretended to be Esau. Then they were truthfuk and said they were Jacob. We talked about which way was better and why.
We played :The Blessing that will be”. I could not find the lyrics, so we just played it but did not sing.
What a great day you had ~ you are such a good teacher! I hope you do get the Lord’s rest in the midst of the busy days!!!
God bless you,