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Blackberry Hunters

Today was one of those days where the wind whispered, “you better pick those blackberries you have been talking about; they won't last much longer…”


So, we went blackberry picking, (or what “A” prefers to call, “Blackerry Hunt”)

Here are the “fruits” of our labor…

For the record, the boys contributed, collectively, EIGHT berries.  You can guess where the rest went…


6 Responses to “Blackberry Hunters”

  1. jaminacema says:

    I LOVE that picture!! Sooo cute!

  2. kampsplete says:

    Oh look at those precious faces all covered in berry juice. That is too cute. I can see they got SOME in the bowl! 🙂

    Had some extra computer time today, so I’m catching up with all my friends. How are you doing? We are starting our school next Monday, 9/11. I’m excited, but nervous too. I’m sure it will work out, it’s just the anticipation….

    Hope you have a great week….

    Love, Kathy

  3. mamma1420 says:

    I’ve decided, that this is my favorite design. It’s sophisticated, warm and welcoming. I’ve been thinking about that since you mentioned the Avonlea one.

    The blackberries look yummy! I just got a bag full of pears from a friend so I’m going to try a few things with them. Fall is coming!

    Hugs and Blessings


  4. grownathome says:

    I want to pick berries. They look they are enjoying all their hard work.



    PS – I’m reading yours too! 🙂

  5. LaMereAcademy says:

    That picture is a classic. I hope you guys had fun picking! I love picking local produce in season. Now it’s about apple season here, can’t wait!


  6. FaithfulGrace says:

    Who can resist those yummy berries?

    Great picture,

    Thank you for sharing,

    Wishing you a great and blessed day,
