“Joseph's Brothers”/ Introduced the letter “E”
Bible Story
Genesis 41:14-32
Read from my Bible and the children's the story where Joseph interprets the Pharoah's dream.
Dramatic Play
One boy sat with his back to the other. They had an “animal” crawl up the back and had to guess what it was.
Here is “R” having a “cheetah” walk up “A's” back:
Letter Activity
We looked at the flashcard with the letter “E”, studied it, and repeated the sound.
Bible/Math Activity
The boys took six pillow pictures and glued them onto the Number Six page, for their counting book.
Played, “Seven Fat Cows”, from The Singing Bible
I had a MOPS Steering Team meeting toda,y which meant playdate with the other team member's kids.
Just random blogged you. =) Our Little Monkey,ds, is 2.5y/o. We are doing K2 with him this year. Your boys look like they love to learn and play together! Love the blackberry picture, Little Monkey looked like that when we did blueberries at the begining of summer. =)
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