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Lesson 11/7/06


“God Sends Samuel”


Bible Story:

1 Samuel 3:8-10

Children's Bible:  Story of when God called to Samuel.


Math Activity:

The boys listend to me making a rhythmic pattern and copied.  stomp-clap, etc.

We started with two actions, then to three, then went of up about six to eight rhythms to copy.  'A' did an excellent job following all the patterns.  'R' could handle the two action patterns.


Letter Activity:

Hide and Seek 'J'.  Both were able to find all the 'J's without assistance.


Bible Activity:

I gave each boy a piece of paper.  They had to complete each of the directions one at a time:

1.  Draw two black lines coming down from the TOP of the paper (This represents God's voice)

2.  Draw a yellow rectangle on the LEFT side of the page (this represents Samuel's pillow)

3.  Draw a blue square on the RIGHT side of the page (this represents Samuel's blanket)

4.  On the BOTTOM on the page, write out the letters Y.E.S. (This represents what Samuel said to God)

I assisted 'R' on all the letters and talked him through on the shapes.  I assisted 'A' with the letter 'S' only.



Played, listened and sang to “Samuel, Samuel”



We are experiencing record floods in this area.  Even though we are safe, many friends are either flooded or on the verge of flooding.  We are unable to get to martial arts because the road is closed, so we went on a “puddle jump” walk today.  We also walked to see our river.  It is running so fast and hard, it's hard to even recognize that this is even “our” river.

2 Responses to “Lesson 11/7/06”

  1. Tiany says:

    I always get so much enjoyment from your posts and this one is no different! I love the pics of those boys in puddles, I am the type that does not like to let um get dirty! Thanks for letting me see the blessing and the fun in such exploring 🙂

  2. picketfencemom says:

    I love the pictures of your little boys “being little boys” and playing in the puddles! So precious! You all really have gotten the rain, haven’t you??!! I don’t comment very often, but I want to say thanks for taking the time to share your days with others…you are an inspiration. I know how time consuming it can be to post your school activities and pictures, but it’s important for others who are coming along to know that ‘it can be done.’..you’ve proven that! Your family is blessed! :o)

    Take care,

