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Bearable to Beauty

  (This is what I wrote for our MOPS newsletter this month)

“If Jesus gives us a task or assigns us to a difficult season, every ounce of our experience is meant for our instruction and completion if only we’ll let Him finish the work. I fear, however, that we are so attention-deficit that we settle for bearable when beauty is just around the corner.”
-Beth Moore

The past month has been full of personal and community challenges.  We endured the lack of electricity, damage to property, holiday shopping and planning, all while trying to keep the spirit of Christmas alive for ourselves and our children.  

I came to realize that I was trying to take on the challenges by myself and not looking to God for reassurance, peace, and balance.  I am embarrassed to admit I found myself too often using curse words in my head instead of praising God for His blessings and surrendering all frustrations to Him.

This quote by Beth Moore really convicted me of my “attention deficiency” and lack of trust and faith in Him.  I often choose to run through a fast food restaurant or take-out when I could easily take the time to prepare a simple and healthy meal at home.  I choose to read a magazine when there is a decent chapter of a quality book or a passage of scripture that could be read.  I settle for the bearable when I could have beauty.

January is such a wonderful time to renew our goals and aspirations.  It is a great time to see where we can improve our relationships, whether it is with our children, our spouse, or our Savior.  I look forward to this year and what is in store for us as mothers, MOPS moms, and women.  I look forward to striving for the beauty instead of settling for the bearable.  I know that there is a beautiful life for all of us, even in the times of difficulty and challenge.  The defining factor is how we approach it.

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