(From the 2007 Christian Heritage Home Educators of Washington conference)
There is a difference between siring a child and fathering a child
3 kinds of parents
-The Blundering Parent
-The Baby Boomer Parent- "I am spending my child’s inheritance"
-The Biblical Parent-Doing something beyond him
80% of children leave the church by their sophomore year of college
90% homeschooled children retain their faith
Psalm 127
Our kids are our legacy, our gift, not burdens.
Train up your children as building blocks of the Cathedral of Christ.
Believe-to trust God’s word over what we see in the world.
Understanding-Recognize tour child’s unique talents and gifts
Insulation-Have the courage to protect and prepare
Love-Develop in them a Godly bond that will withstand pressure.
Discipline-Shape and mild these little building blocks for the Cathedral of God.
Believe-The word of God is full of promises for our children. If/then scenarios.
My children are not a biological accident. They were given to me by God with a purpose.
Matthew 21-Children bring glory to God.
Understanding- God knows us inside and out. Psalm 139
God made us all unique with different gifts and talents.
Can you embrace how God made your child?
Know your children’s friends and heroes.
Insulate-Protect them from the wicked influences: media
90% of advertising is targeted to sell to children and young teens; conforming their minds to the world (music, magazines, TV)
11th Commandment-Thou shalt not have television in your house 🙂
By the time a child graduates from high school, on average: 16,000 hours in school, 30,000 hours of TV, witnessed 100,000 acts of violence through media
Watch access to the internet.
It used to be that a child’s first access to po*nography was age 13; now it’s age 6.
Limit chat rooms: you don’t really know who they are.
Age segregation-destroyed by institutions that should bring us together.
Love- Not just an emotion, it’s a commandment. Providing for your children (physical love) is not the same; they need to know emotional love as well. Focus on your spouse and kids; take focus off yourself. Be transparent with your children. Be accountable when angry, broken promises, failings. Ask them for forgiveness.
Respect the authority of the land (be a law keeper, not a law breaker, ex. speed limit). Set an example.
Discipline-Shaping and molding to fulfill God’s plan. Proverbs 13:24, 22:15, 29:15, 29:17.
Mindset: When something challenging happens: broken rules, rebellion, you must discipline. What is your mindset?-God is in control of all things. If all things work together for good, at this time, God had given you this time/opportunity to disciple your child. Anger goes away, purpose comes. Calm, peace, you know this is a gift. Open up the Bible and point to the 10 commandments. Show where they broke God’s law and according to this you must discipline. In this discipline, you bring comfort to their souls.
If there are constant issues, take a look at how/why you are disciplining your child. Are you discipling them?
I know the word of God is true and his promises will be passed to us. However, the sins of the father will be passed 3 to 4 generations as well. (ripple effect: see below)
McDonald Family History
James McDonald I: Christian. Purchased a mausoleum for his whole family to be buried. Only he and his wife are actually buried there. Why?
James McDonald II: As was typical of the time, he was not raised at home, but was shipped to a boarding school. Fell away from Christ. Befriended Ernest Hemingway. Also commited suicide.
James McDonald III: Raised by others that were not Christian. Married 8 times. Became wealthy. Lived for himself. Died of a heart attack at 54.
James McDonald IV: Not raised in a Christian home. Raised at a military school.
James McDonald V: Raised by a "bumbling parent". Dropped out of school at the age of 19 and moved to Texas to party. Met a Christian neighbor who shared music with him.
James McDonald VI (speaker): Currently raising 9 children and building a cathedral for Christ.
There is the gift of hope that even if you were not raised in a Christian hoome, be inspired to build a Christian heritage from the foundation.
The family that worships and serves together, stays together.