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Lesson 5/2/07

What do you Know?

Bible Story
Acts 8:26-31, 35, 9:1-3, 9:3-8
Children’s Bible: Philip did what God said. Saul/Paul hurt Christians, then became one.

Math Activity
We divided graham crackers into one, two, four pieces, and ate them…

Art Activity
I drew four lines to represent rays coming from heaven.  The boys used "teamwork" and fingerpainted a picture together.

Letter Activity
DH quizzed ‘R’ on the alphabet flashcards.  He missed D, J, C, G, M, Q
We worked with ‘A’ on digraph and letter blend puzzles.
The boys chose a letter, drew it with a pen, applied glue (with assistance for ‘R’), and placed cotton balls on it.

Hide and Seek ‘z’:

Bible Activity
The boys made mad faces and stomped around saying mean things…

Then, they smiled and said nice things…

We talked about which way they preferred to act/feel.  We also talked about when Paul hated Christians and was filled in hate versus when he became a Christian.

The boys acted out the story where Paul was walking on the road to Damascus and he and his friends heard Jesus, who blinded him for three days.

I gave the boys a piece of paper.  The boys had to follow my directions, ot direction at a time.  First, they dre a rectangle on the left side of the page, then a question mark on the right, then a blue wavy line in the middle.  This represents the story about the Ethiopian man reading the Bible with Philip.

Active Exploration
I put a sticker on the rigth hand of each boy.  They lined up behind me and we went on a tour of our home.  I asked them when I wanted to enter a praticular room, if we had to turn left or right.  They had to look at theoir hands and figure out which direction we were to head.

3 Responses to “Lesson 5/2/07”

  1. AussieinAmerica says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me a nice note! I appreciate the encouragement. That garage was awful wasn't it?!

    Your boys look so cute. How nice for them to get to be homeschooled and grow up together instead of being separated at public school.

    How long does it take to do all of the activities you showed?

    Hope you are having a good day,


  2. mamabear2003 says:

    Those angry faces are too funny! I love it when boys pretend to be angry, it always looks cute!

  3. Diane says:

    sweet, sweet, sweet.