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Lesson 6/14/07

Memory Verse
"Tell your neighbor the truth because we belong to each other."- Ephesians 4:25

Read Aloud
Mother Goose- "Willie Winkie"
"The Mouse Deer’s Wisdom"
Eric Carle’s Animal Animals "Every Insect", and "The Ant"

Language Arts
Developing the Early Learner-Motor/Hand-Eye- The boys had to take a look at a group of faces and a pattern below the face.  They had to find the same face and draw the corresponding pattern beneath it.  The drawings weren’t pretty, but you can tell they knew that the pattern was the correct one.

BB Book of Nature-We read about the sun.  We learned that the sun is millions of miles away.  We need the sun for light and heat.  The sun makes things grow, even things that are underground.  Bats and owls do not like the sun and only come out at night.  We should not stay in the sun to long or we will burn.

Social Studies
‘Things People Do- We learned about all the people that work in a school (principal, assistant principal, teachers, librarian, secretary, custodian.)

‘365 Manners’-We read how to eat difficult foods:
hamburger-cut it in half before eating
french fries-OK to eat with fingers at a fast food restaurant, but in fine dining, you need to use a fork and dip your fries in the catsup.
asparagus-OK to eat with fingers (who knew?), but also OK to eat with fork.  OK to not eat the fibrous part.
Lemon-OK to squirt on fish and into ice tea.  Use you rother hand to deflect any errant squirting.
Bacon-if soft, use a fork.  If crisp, OK to eat with fingers.
Baked potatoes-Cut in half, scoop insides onto plate and eat.  Or, cur in half, and eat from the skin.  It’s OK to eat the skin.

‘Right Choices’- We read that is is wrong to swear and to say the God’s name inappropriately.

Singapore Earlybird 1a-Lesson 16-Today’s lesson focused on more, less, most, least.  We also learned that a cup of water will still be the same amount regardless of the size and shape of the container it is poured into.  We practiced this by taking one cup of water and pouring it into different containers.

‘A’ read a page fro a reading Primer -The Gingerbread Boy’.  I had ‘R’ parrot a few sentences.

In the Kitchen
While playing outside, the boys were thrilled to discover two ripe huckleberries!

They insisted we make a huckleberry pie.  Here is our attempt at a huckleberry-blueberry meringue!
Making the crust…
Cutting the shortening into the flour..

Rolling out the dough…

piercing the crust…

My attempt at meringue failed miserably, but it still tasted good…

2 Responses to “Lesson 6/14/07”

  1. Kinley says:

    I wish we could play outside.. It's 111 now and climbing.. Yesterday topped at 115. Ah but nine months of the year, we can play outside.. Don't tell anyone that.. Hee hee..


  2. Kinley says:

    Move back? No way, it's not hot enoug here and it's to cold there.. lol
