We read where Elija met up with Elisha, and became friends.
Memory Verse
Proverbs 26:23 "Pretty words may hide a wicked heart."
Read Aloud
Mother Goose- "If all the Seas"
Language Arts
DEL-The boys had to look at a set of shapes and decide which shape was not like the others. Some were kind of hard. The difference was very subtle. Both did well, once they got the hang of it.
First Thousand Words-We looked at the page dedicated to sports and exercise. Then, we went to ‘You Tube’ on line and looked at videos of: sumo wrestling, archert, ice skating, windsurfing, and skiing.
We read about landcape terms: rocky coast, island, marsh, inlet, bay, lagoon, mountain ridge, large boulder, natural bridge, rapids, falls, creek, rolling hills, etc.
Social Studies
Things People Do- Policeman (Oh, ‘A’, was so excited! He is convinced that is what he will be when he grows up.)
Life Skills
Manners Lesson 5 and 6: Phone etiquette
Practice writing 0,1,2 on the dry erase board
‘A’ read the "E" page from Dr. Seuss’ ABC