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We began a Unit Study on Sharks today.  I have not decided if we will make a lapbook or not.

We read the book "A Sea Full of Sharks".  After reading the book, I asked the boys questions to see what they recalled. I gave all the answers here, but the ones bolded are the ones the boys answered.

How many different kinds of sharks are there? (350)

Sharks can be a long as (50feet)

Sharks can be as small as 6 inches (A)

Most are between 6 to 7 feet (R)

Name five kinds of sharks:

Great White

Black Tip

Of the 350 kinds of sharks, (25) have been known to attack people.  Of the 25 kinds that have been known to attack people, only (5) are considered dangerous to humans.

Name the five kinds of sharks that are dangerous to people:
1) Hammerhead (A)
2)Great White Shark (R)


What kind of animal is the shark? Fish (R)

All sharks live in water (Both)

All sharks have alot of teeth (A)

Name the differences between sharks and other fish:

Sharks Fish
skeleton is cartilage skeleton is bone
Denticles-(tooth like spikes on skin)(R) Scales (A)
Sharks have to keep moving or they will sink and drown-(A) Fish can float and swim backwards (A)

Sharks have a great sense of:

  1. eyesight (A)
  2. smell (R)
  3. hearing (R)
  4. feel the vibration and movement in the water

When a shark loses a tooth, a new one replaces (A) it.

What kind of shark can live in both the ocean and in fresh water lakes and rivers. (Bull)

What are two ways that sharks are born:

  1. hatched from an egg outside the mom’s body (A)
  2. live birth (most are born this way) (A)

True or False:  Sharks are known to eat other sharks. True (Both)

Why do sharks attack humans? They are looking for food (Both)

Why do humans kill sharks?

All answers A’s Answers
Cartilage-burn treatment chemicals  
Skin-Leather goods and polishing aids Skin- make boots, purses, belts
Eye- Cornea transplant Eyes- transplants
Jaws and Teeth-Souvenirs, Jewelry, Spear Points Teeth-Jewelry
Blood-Heart Disease Medicine Blood-Medicine
Stomach-Feed for Fish Hatcheries  
Liver-Vitamins, Oil for makeup, Paint Base  
Flesh-Meat, Fertilizer  Fins: Soup Fins- Soup

I  had the boys practice writing ‘shark’ and ‘bull’ on the dry erase boards before we stopped for the day.

4 Responses to “Shark Unit Study-Day One”

  1. msack says:

    They really learned alot!

    If you decide to do a lpabook I'd love to see pictures.

    We are doing a Humpy Dumpty Lapbook with the girls right now 😉

  2. Kinley says:

    My son would love to do a study on sharks. We are doing one on bees and then the planets. I'll have to get one ready for sharks, too.


  3. Anonymous says:

    I remember when my son went through his shark phase, it lasted about a year. He was so into sharks it was insane. We found a bunch of printables, I want to say on enchanted learning, and we would do one every other day or so, we'd cut out the shark and write what it was on the back. Soon, he had a "collection" of sharks. You know how girls play with paper dolls? Noah had paper sharks. He loved to arrange them in size order, put them in a "pretend" sea, etc…

    You can go here: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/sharks/index.html and then scroll all the way to the bottom and you have tons of different sharks to look at. 🙂

    Have fun!

    P.S. My Son put on his shark tshirt today, so this was a fun coincedence. 🙂 When he was into sharks, we took a ride to Daytona Beach to one of the beachside stores, they have tons of shark teeth on necklaces, tshirts, etc…it was fun.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Oh, and that post was me, Diane. LOL
