Feed on

We are reading about the life of Abraham and Sarah.

We read about William Tyndale in England.  Mr. Tyndale is responsible for getting the Bible (only printed in Latin) to be translated into English so the common man can read it.  This was considered treason and he was burned at the stake for it.

Read Aloud
-Continue reading ‘The Boxcar Children’
-Poems from ‘The Llama who had no Pajama’
-Mother Good Rhymes
-My niece, KK, is spending the summer days with us.  I have enrolled her in a Summer Reading competition at the local library.  She needs to read 20 minutes a day to get 1000 minutes completed by the end of summer.  To help with the reading, she is reading "Little House in the Big Woods" to us.

Language Arts
The boys read from "I Can Read It".  They have read the "stories": "A Cat on a Hat" and "A Flat Hat & Rat"

-I took words from these lessons and introduced the concepts of ‘definition’ to them.  They orally defined words that I gave them.

-I had the kids write words in rice…

-I read fill in the blank questions, and the boys had to provide, and write, the answer.
‘R’s Bat…

 While the boys work on ‘Explode the Code’ worksheets, I pulled up a grade 4 spelling list for my niece and had her write the words and re-write the ones she got wrong.

We did this great experiment and I tried to get it on video, but the experiment never cooperated when I wanted it to.  We took a long neck bottle and placed it in the freezer. After it was thoroughly cold, we placed the bottle in a large pot and placed a quarter on the lip of the bottle.  We poured warm water around the bottle.  The quarter would slightly "jump"! This is because the air inside the bottle warmed up and expanded causing the quarter to dislodge.

Extra Fun Stuff
The boys are having an awesome time playing with their cousin, riding bikes, playing with friends,  all the fun outings we take, and mini vacations.  We also continue to go through the sign language DVDs and really enjoy that.

One Response to “Homeschool Highlights”

  1. Diane says:

    What are you guys using for Science? Sounds like so much fun. 🙂