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Recently, I listened to an experience shared by a friend.  While thinking about what she had told me, the Lord brought this new understanding:

The Believer will hear a story and will marvel at God’s glory, grace, providence, discipline…whatever applies.  Eyes will mist over, chills up their spine, goosebumps on their arms, and they know, they just KNOW that what this person speaks is Truth and it, once again, confirms God’s presence and love in our world.

The Seeker hears the same story and is not quite sure what to make of it.  They may or may not comment on it, but the experience will be filed away, and will possibly come back around with new understanding should they ever decide to take that step in faith.

The Non-Believer will hear the story and think the person telling it is either seriously deluded or is lying.

Where are you on this spectrum?  I can tell you that I have been all three and I praise God that I can say I was one a Non-Believer who now Believes.

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.  I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind, but now I see…”

One Response to “The Path of the Believer”

  1. JMOCT says:

    Hi Leigh,

    I could not have said it better. I just love you….thank you for sharing this. You, my friend, are an amazing woman who has such a heart for God. I am so thankful for you!!!!!

    Love Megan