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New Years in Idaho

Walking in a winter wonderland!!!!

Thankful for 4 wheel drive…

This is a "creek" that runs through downtown Sandpoint…

Grandma and Antee Sara took the boys for the afternoon and David and I had a date afternoon!  We strolled through downtown Sandpoint and bought some late Christmas presents, did some wine tasting at the Pend d’ Oreille winery, and enjoyed lunch at Eichardt’s Pub (we love this place.)

Grandma and Grandpa opening presents…

The boys playing their own version of dominoes…

One Response to “New Years in Idaho”

  1. Haflingerhorses says:

    That is wonderful that you had an opportunity to have a date with your husband and to just enjoy each other's company. And meanwhile, the grandparents got to get to know their grandchildren. It was a double blessing!


    p.s. thank you for the sweet invitation to host us in showing us around CA if we ever came out that way. My brother lives in CA too – he used to live in San Diego but has now moved more north (I think by Los Angelos – I think. And my brother-in-law lives in the suburbs of Los Angelos. I've been there as a child, and a few times in the early years of our marriage. It's been a long time, though. The last time we came there we went to Catalina Island – that was so beautiful!