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…and the road trip begins!!  Our annual trip to Washington and Idaho to visit friends and family!  We spent the first night on the road in Medford.  The second night was spent visiting with my dad and stepmom. 

We met my dad on board their nautical joy, “Our Adventure“.  The weather was nice; not too hot, but sunny.  The kids played hide and seek.  How many places can one hide on board?  My dad helped the boys get creative.  ‘R’ hid in the engine room, and ‘A’ hid under the stairs.  They had a blast looking for each other.

After a delicious Mexican dinner at a local restaurant in Olympia, we joined my stepmom, Julee, back at their house.  We spent the rest of the evening visting and getting caught up.  It was a fun night for us all. 

Sunset from their balcony…

Showing off their mad Lego skills…

We love you, Grandma and Grandpa! 

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