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Happy 11th, A!!

Our birthday boy!  the big ONE-ONE!  Breakfast of choice…
Trix cereal, bacon, hardboiled eggs, and OJ.

Present time…
Art class, where we picked up his friends, ‘J’ and ‘S’.  Lunch at Whole Foods, then some play time at home….we then went to ring the Salvation Army bells.  It was short lived, though, because I was wrong about our time, and had missed it.  Our replacements came within 10 minutes.  They still had a fun few minutes though.


I was hosting a party that night, so DH took the boys to see the movie ‘Frozen’, then out to dinner.  They came back later that evening and had a slumber party, not going to bed until 2:30am!  They played together all day the next day.  ‘A’ said this was one of his best birthdays ever…

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