This was half marathon #12 for the year. Misty morning and perfect weather for a race. Our friend Jessica made the announcement that she has another little runner on board!
We started out way too fast and the first three miles had some nasty inclines.
It was pretty humbling. The race was through some beautiful country residential. I lost my phone at a pit stop and had an aid crew take me back and get it. (Fell out of my hydration pack).
Getting ready to go into the tunnel in Newcastle…
This was spray painted on the ground in front of a bar 🙂
Finally finished! This was my second hardest race of the year. First being Clo-Cow. Glad it’s over.
David and the boys surprised me at the finish line. The boys ran me in the last 100 yards. It was sweet!
Celebratory breakfast with my sole sister Melissa at the Ugly Mug!