I have belonged to an online mom’s group since I was pregnant with Alex. What began as a huge online public bulletin board that crossed the world, with women due to have a child January 2003, has morphed into a precious group of 61 women on a secret Facebook page. We connect regularly via social media, and some have connected in real life over the years. We never have all connected in real life at the same time, but multiple small gatherings have happened regionally. This was one gathering that happed this summer near Toronto. Karen hosted on her amazing equestrian property. It was a small gathering with Karen, me, Jen, and Amy, but we all agree, it was a very special time with just us, Karen’s family and her menagerie of animals. We had a bit of drama, with me dislocating my finger while horseback riding, and then Jen’s son had a medical emergency that required her leaving early. Still there were a bunch of laughs, a few tears, and some great memories formed.